A+ A- 02476 511 611

Welcome to Wrexham

Office Contacts
Title Name
Service Manager Callam
Finance Officer (Managed Accounts) Yasir
Finance Officer (Managed Accounts) Alison
Finance Officer (Managed Accounts) Susan
Finance Officer Brendan
Finance Officer Shehnaz
Finance Officer Sukhjit
Finance Officer Susan

Services in Wrexham

There have been some changes to the way direct payment support services are delivered in Wrexham.  Direct payment users can choose who provides their payroll or managed account service from a list of Approved Providers.  Penderels Trust is an Approved Provider.  If you already use our payroll or managed account service, you can continue to do so. If you currently use a different provider for these services, you can choose to change provider and we would be happy to provide these services to you.

Payroll and Managed Accounts

Our payroll and managed account teams can be contacted on:

Managed Accounts: 02476 937370 Option 2 or cma@penderelstrust.org.uk

Payroll Department: 02476 511375 or payroll@penderelstrust.org.uk

Safeguarding in Wrexham

If someone you know in Wrexham is being abused or you think they might be, please contact the safeguarding team at Wrexham. It's better to be on the safe side.

Adults: https://www.northwalessafeguardingboard.wales/

Children: https://www.northwalessafeguardingboard.wales/

Useful Links

Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW) - www.avow.org.uk (01978 312556)

Wrexham Community Directory - http://avow.org/community-directory-wrexham/  

Wrexham County Borough Council - www.wrexham.gov.uk

HMRC Helpline - www.hmrc.gov.uk (0845 0108500)

Jobcentre Plus - www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus (0845 606 0234)

Department for Work and Pensions - www.dwp.gov.uk (0845 850 0293)

Age UK - www.ageuk.org.uk (0800 169 6565)

ACAS - www.acas.org.uk (08457 474747)

Mencap Cymru - www.mencap.org.uk/wales (0808 808 1111)

Alzheimers Society - www.alzheimers.org.uk (01978 755905)

Age Connects North East Wales - www.acnew.org.uk (08450 549822)

Barnardo's Wrexham Services - www.barnardos.org.uk (01978 720119)

Wrexham Citizens Advice Bureau - www.citizensadvice.org.uk (08444 772020)

Wrexham Vetting Agency - vettingagency@wrexham.gov.uk (01978 298429/298424)

Welsh Government 'More than Words' Welsh speaking policy - www.wales.gov.uk/topics/health/publications/health/guidance/words

Workforce Planning & Professional Development/Cynllunio'r Gweithlu a Datblygiad Proffesiynol - www.wrexham.gov.uk/socialcareworkforce www.wrecsam.gov.uk/gweithlugofalcymdeithasol

The Silver Line (helpline for older people) - www.thesilverline.org.uk Tel: 0800 4 70 80 90

Welsh Language Information - http://cymraeg.llyw.cymru/?lang=en

PA Employer Toolkit from Care Council for Wales - www.paemployertoolkit.wales

Contact Us

Penderels Trust

Resource House
1A Brandon Lane
West Midlands

  02476 511611

