A+ A- 02476 511 611

Welcome to Gloucestershire

Office Contacts
Title Name
Service Manager Rosie
Independent Living Adviser Mark
Independent Living Adviser Joanne
Finance Officer (Managed Accounts) Alastair
Clerical Officer Alexandra
Clerical Officer Ann

Welcome to Penderels Trust Gloucestershire

Please find below some general information on the services we offer.  

To access our Events Calendar, please click on the link at the top of the page.

Please contact us at the office if you need any further help or information.

Services in Gloucestershire

Penderels Trust supports adults and children who receive a direct payment in the county to get the most out of their care money and to achieve their goals.  Our support services include:

  • Support when recruiting a personal assistant
  • Guidance on all aspects of being a good employer including legal obligations and responsibilities
  • Support with choosing and using a care agency
  • Help with money management and keeping accurate records
  • Managed accounts
  • Payroll

Gloucestershire's Help, Care and Support Noticeboard

Are you a disabled person or a family with a disabled child looking for a PA?

Do you want to work as a PA to a disabled person or family with disabled child?

Find out more about how we can help you at www.glosassistants.org.uk

Training, development and support for unpaid carers in Gloucestershire

Any person who provides substantial care or support to a family member, friend or child with an additional need in Gloucestershire is welcome to attend training on a number of topics. Please contact Carers Gloucestershire on positivecaring@carersgloucestershire.org.uk or 01452 500885 to book your place. Replacement care and transport are available on request. 

Safeguarding in Gloucestershire

If someone you know in Gloucestershire is being abused or you think they might be, please contact the safeguarding team at Gloucestershire. It's better to be on the safe side.

Adults: https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adults-and-older-people/finding-the-right-information-and-support/report-suspected-abuse-safeguarding-adults-at-risk/

Children: https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/children-young-people-and-families/report-a-child-at-risk/

VCSE Sector Resources

The Gloucestershire VCS Alliance offers a comprehensive collection of resources to support VCSE sector groups & organisations in Gloucesterhsire. These resources cover areas such as equality, diversity and inclusion, environment and climate action, finance, fundraising, governance, health and wellbeing, and more.

To access these resources, please visit the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance's VCSE Sector Resources page.

Useful Links in Gloucestershire

Glos Assistants - www.glosassistants.org.uk

Carers Gloucestershire - www.carersgloucestershire.org.uk

The Key - www.keywords.org.uk

Healthwatch Gloucestershire - www.healthwatchgloucestershire.co.uk  

Your Circle - www.yourcircle.org.uk

Gloucestershire County Council Learning Management System - http://www.learningservice.org/gcc/gcc.aspx

Gloucestershire Association for Voluntary and Community Action - www.gavca.org.uk  

The Silver Line (helpline for older people) - www.thesilverline.org.uk  Tel: 0800  4 70 80 90

Contact a Family - for families with disabled children - www.cafamily.org.uk  

Contact Us

Penderels Trust

Penderels Trust Gloucester
Pure Offices Ltd, Room G04A
Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive
Quedgely, Gloucester

  01452 411000

