A+ A- 02476 511 611

Welcome to Birmingham

Office Contacts
Title Name
Service Manager (Direct Payments) Jayne
Service Manager (Appointeeships) Jessica
Independent Living Adviser Rasila
Independent Living Adviser Adam
Independent Living Adviser Paulina
Independent Living Adviser Nikki
Independent Living Adviser Louise
Independent Living Adviser Jade
Independent Living Adviser (Appointeeships) Masuma
Independent Living Adviser (Appointeeships) Shane
Independent Living Adviser (Appointeeships) Maria
Independent Living Adviser (Appointeeships) Maryam
Finance Officer Bridget
Finance Officer Flogert
Finance Officer Morag
Finance Officer Lucy
Finance Officer (Appointeeships) Jessica
Finance Officer (Appointeeships) Salema
Finance Officer (Appointeeships) Adreen
Clerical Officer (Appointeeships) Chloe
Clerical Officer (Direct Payments) Rick

Birmingham Direct Payments

If you have been referred for a direct payment for the first time, your social worker will arrange for your direct payment package to be set up and established in a way that is appropriate depending on whether you choose to use personal assistants from a care agency or you are going to employ your own personal assistant(s).

Once your direct payment package is established, there are a number of additional services that you may choose to purchase to make managing your direct payment even easier.

There is a cost associated with each service; we will help you to work out how you can use your direct payment to fund the service(s) you require.

Birmingham Appointeeships

We offer a comprehensive appointeeship service in Birmingham for individuals that are unable to manage their financial affairs themselves. This includes assistance with monemy management, bill spayment and budgeting. We offer several different options depending on the level of support required.

For more information and to contact our team, please email  birminghamappointeeships@penderelstrust.org.uk  

If you would like to email our Finance Officers (Appointeeships), please email BAFO@penderelstrust.org.uk 

If you would like to make a referral to our appointeeship service, please download and complete the form at the bottom of this page and send it to us at birminghamappointeeships@penderelstrust.org.uk 


Fully Funded Training for Employers and PAs - Ideal for All and Skills for Care have announced a range of fully funded training courses available for employers and PAs. These courses are designed for individual employers and PAs, covering key areas such as employer and PA rights, mental health awareness, manual handling, first aid and more. For more information and how to book on, please download the flyer at the bottom of this page.

Have your say in Birmingham around Spirituality and Wellbeing

Birmingham City Council and Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation want to hear what matters to you in relation to your spiritual care and wellbeing needs. You can complete the survey here. 

Birmingham Wellbeing Hub - For mental health and wellbeing support, we recommend visiting the Birmingham Wellbeing Hub, a drop-in centre offering advice and support. Discover the activities and resources available at the Birmingham Wellbeing Hub this year.
For more information, visit their website - Birmingham Wellbeing Hub.

Better Lives Alliance

The Better Lives Alliance is a new, young, and energetic alliance of Personal Assistants (PAs) , Individual Employees and others interested in the role of Personal Assistant. This group wants to give PAs a chance to join together, share experiences and ideas to make lives better for them and the people they support.  For more information, please download the flyer at the bottom of this page, email bla@communitynavigatorservices.org or visit their Facebook page Better Lives Alliance 

Safeguarding Adults in Birmingham

If someone you know in Birmingham is being abused or you think they might be, please contact the safeguarding team at Birmingham City Council. It's better to be on the safe side. 

For adults click here

For children click here


Shaping Birmingham's Future Together - Marketplace Roadshow 2025
Join us at the SBFT Marketplace Roadshow 2025 on Tuesday, 25th March at Holloway Hall (10:30 AM - 12:30 PM). This is a community event connecting local residents with service providers, organisations, and partners. This event is designed to bring information and resources directly to you, making it easier than ever to engage with the services that can benefit you and your community. For more details, click here.

Useful Links in Birmingham

Find It In Birmingham - www.finditinbirmingham.com/

The Silver Line (helpline for older people) - www.thesilverline.org.uk - 0800 4 70 80 90

Accessibility at Birmingham Airport - www.birmingham-airport-guide.co.uk/disabled-facilities.html 



Training for Employers and PAs in Birmingham

This flyer from Ideal for All has information on a range of fully funded training courses available from October 2024 to March 2025. These courses are designed for individual employers and PAs.

Download >

Referrer Agreement

Please read this document before you complete a referral to our appointeeship service.

Download >

Appointeeship Referral Form

This form needs to be completed and sent to us to make a referral for an appointeeship.

Download >

Birmingham Moving Office Flyer

This flyer has details of the new Birmingham office

Download >

Contact Us

Penderels Trust

Penderels Trust Birmingham
Daisy Group, Unit 2 Golden Cross
Harborne Suite, 220 Chester Street
B6 4AH

  0121 707 1817



Document Centre

Access Penderels Trust Document Centre.